Landing at Pearl Harbor

VP-10 approaching Oahu VP-10 passing Diamond Head

The top photo shows the flight passing the Makapuu Point Lighthouse, Oahu, Hawaii on its way to Pearl Harobor. The lower photo shows the squadron passing Diamondhead.

VP-10 approaching the crowd at Ford Field, Pearl Harbor.

The photograph shows part of the crowd at Ford Field awaiting the arrival of VP-10F in the distance. The single-engined biplane to the left is probably a Loening OL-8, which had been taking pictures of the squadron as it came in.

VP-10 beached at Ford Field, Pearl Harbor.

The squadron, as it approached, passed over the crowds waiting for it, and a roar went up as the flyers waved to crowd as it passed by. The landing was smooth and uneventfully as the squadron pulled up to the landing ramp. All of this was broadcast by NBC radio, which had interrupted its normal broadcast for a half hour to relay the event to the nation.

VP-10 at Ford Field, Pearl Harbor.

Above, the crews of VP-10F after receiving lays from the welcoming committee. Vice Admiral Herbert D. Riley (a lieutenant in 1934) would later write, "There was a great to-do. Half of Honolulu was there to greet them, and extra editions of the newspapers were printed." Admiral H. E. Yarnell, commanding officer of the 14th naval district at Pearl Harbor, was there to greet Commander McGinnis and the crews. Rear Admiral A. W. Johnson, who had issued the initial order for the flight to Hawaii instead of having the planes tranfered in crates, arrived the next day to congratulate McGinnis. The next day, a dance and reception was held by the Honolulu Advertiser Club, followed by a luncheon by the Chamber of Commerce, and Hawaiian feast at the Walalae Country hosted by the mayor and Board of Supervisors.

Despite all the feastivities, the squadron was back on official duty starting January 12, 1934.

Publicity of the Landing