Consolidated P2Y-3 Ranger

CREW: 5 P2Y-3 Draft


A main wing parasol patrol flying boat with a lower sesquiplane wing carrying 2 stability floats.

Length: 61' 9"
Height: 20' 11"
Wingspan: 100'
Sesquiplanespan: 45" 3"
Wing Area: 1,514 sq. ft. / 403 sq. ft.
Weight: 12,769 empty, 25,266 gross

Engines: 2
Powerplant: Wright R-1820-90 Cyclone
Horsepower: 750 hp each
Fuel: 1,700 gallons (max)

Range: 2,650 miles (max) / 1,180 miles with 2000 lb bombload
Cruise Speed: 1117.5 mph
Max Speed: 138 mph at 4000 feet
Stall Speed: 61 mph
Ceiling: 16,100 ft

two dorsal .30 machine gun sliding hatches
one .30 cal machine gun in bow
2,000 lbs. of bombs, torpedoes or depth charges

The P2Y-3 Ranger was identical to the P2Y-2 Ranger, or should I say the otherway around. As mentioned, the P2Y-3 run was completed BEFORE the P2Y-1s were converted to the P2Y-2s. In layout and performance, the P2Y-2s and P2Y-3 were identical, except the P2Y-3s were contructed complete, where the P2Y-2s were conversion kits of P2Y-1s.

New Consolidated P2Y-3 A new Consolidated P2Y-3 on the ramp at San Diego in March 1935.

P2Y-3 of VP-7 Consolidated P2Y-3 of VP-7 in 1936. It is the aircraft of the squadron commander as denoted by the red cowlings and red vertical strip on the aft fuelsage.

P2Y-3 of VP-7 A P2Y-3 of VP-7 on the water.